How the ordering process works…

Our suits are made to order from artisan fabric crafted in the foothills of the Himalayas. We do not want to take orders all the time and so the shop is only open for a couple of weeks every couple of months. Once your order your suit it will take about a month to be delivered. However if you have a special occasion get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

How did this all get started?

Back in 2001 I, Robbie Humphries, finished school and headed out to Nepal to try and work out why the country has such an unusual shaped flag and to teach English. A life long connection with this wonderful country was born. In 2018 I headed out to play a music festival with my band The Cash Cows. While we were there we decided to get some new suits made. My wife, being the visionary genius she is, saw the ‘dhaka’ fabric that Nepali men have their hats and wedding suits made from and suggested we make some suits out of that. These were very popular at all the many gigs and festivals we played at, with many a man asking discretely “where did you get your suit from?”. Eventually after a strong cup of Kennington coffee The Kathmandu Suit Company name was crystalised. The rest is a history that is still being written.

The Team

I recently travelled to Kathmandu to make this dream a reality. It’s not that easy starting a suit company. However I was lucky enough to be introduced through a friend to Prajwal, Srishti, Picasso, Rajesh and the crew. Prajwals father started making dhaka fabric in their home in the hills around Kathmandu over 30 years ago. We were invited up to their place and were astonished by what we saw. These guys have really got it going on, they now have around 10 looms making dhaka fabric for the domestic market. They are the some of the most grounded people I’ve ever met and I’m delighted to be working with them.